Thursday, June 11, 2009

Jet Lag

A flight originating in GMT+9 going backwards across something like 18 time zones to GMT-5 in about 12 hours is enough to confuse anyone, but then I flew another 12 hours to Sao Paulo (GMT-3), transferred to a domestic airline and flew 4 hours to Manaus (GMT-4), so it's no wonder my internal clock was baffled by the end.
The first day we went to work straightaway, which probably helped to get a sense of the local time. Afterwards I went out for dinner and tried to sleep at a regular time, although I woke up every few hours feeling like it must be morning.
The first full day, everyone felt drowsy and sluggish, although an afternoon Red Bull did help me make it until quitting time.
Now on day four, a national holiday, I'm feeling a little bit more aligned with GMT-4 and plan to play some tennis this afternoon to get the blood moving.

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