Sunday, August 23, 2009

Saturday Night Football

Last night I was lucky enough to be taken out to the local soccer football club with Monteiro, our driver, to play futsol. We arrived a little before 8pm and there was a game just winding down. The field was full size, outdoors, but completely enclosed in netting. We sat down and put on a natural bug repellent cream that had Monteiro brought, which left my skin feeling cool and a bit tingly, but I didn't get a single mosquito bite, so I suppose it worked like a charm. Eventually, the game came to an end and we ran out to the field. They turn the lights off between games, but the club lights flooded enough light onto the field to see, so we practiced shooting goals. In no time, other guys arrived one by one until there were about six of us taking turns shooting goals. The guy playing goalie was extraordinarily agile and was diving, rolling and blocking most of the shots. Monteiro, who everyone called "Teiro", introduced me to everyone by name, but also added that I am American, so for the rest of the evening I was known as "American", but it worked for me. Teiro introduced me to one guy who spoke pretty good English, and I was told his name was Portugal.
As more guys arrived, I noticed a few guys weren't wearing any shoes. In particular, the guys who didn't wear shoes, as I found out as we began to play, were some of the best players. I suppose it gave them better control over the ball, but it didn't seem to slow them down at all, nor did it hinder the power in their goal shots. Even with bare feet, these guys could thwack the ball with great speed and accuracy toward the goal, although most of the time the goalies would fly through the air almost perpendicular to the ground and block the shot. So it soon became obvious to me that most of these guys were absolute football fanatics, even if they just played it for, quote-unquote, recreation. I later asked Armando, one of our tech staff at the office who arrived partway through the game, and he said most of these guys play every day, although not always at the club, but probably in the street, anywhere.
There was also a good dose of sportsmanship in the air, so there were no fights. A good balance was struck, as well, because each game ended as soon as one team scored two goals, and then people from the losing team would switch out with guys on the sidelines. So, as it turned out, you were constantly switching teams and playing with the guys you had been playing against before. Nevertheless, a few guys were adamant about fouls and fought for every chance for their team to get control over that ball, and I saw it as part of being a good player--the ref would occasionally have to give in.
I played offense most of the time, so I got quite a bit of exercise running up and down the field either with my team or to guard the other team. I didn't get any shots at the goal, but I passed alright and blocked a few passes by the other team. Not too bad for not having played since I was about 10 years old, but really, at the end of the day, these guys were playing to have a good time and, most of all, for their love of the sport.
After an hour or so, our time was up and most of the guys went home, while a few others hung around and had a beer and played at the billiard table in the clubhouse. Monteiro, Armando and I went back out on the field and I got some pointers on how to shoot and pass, how to make a high goal kick and how to keep it low and in the corner. But as it neared 10pm, we decided to call it an evening and head home. On the way out, I guzzled some water, collected my things and then, remembering I had brought my camera, we took a picture together. As you can see, I was looking pretty exhausted, but feeling good. But, Monteiro invited me back to play again next week if I wanted, and, well, I just might give it another shot.
(Armando, me, Monteiro)

1 comment:

  1. It's so nice to hear that you could play football in Brazil! The picture is cute, hahaha...I think you did very good than last time you played (20 years ago!). Are you sure you didn't dance at the field :D
